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The ITS A. Volta Foundation for New Life Technologies believes in equal opportunities and wishes to offer quality training to women and men in equal measure. To encourage female participation and break down gender stereotypes linked to technical professions, the Foundation, with the support of the Friuli Venezia Giulia Region, offers girls the opportunity to attend its courses for free.

In fact, the Region annually distributes the “Vouchers to encourage female participation in ITS courses”, allowing to reduce the cost of the attendance fee for ITS courses for women.

The total costs for attending the courses include:

– 400 euros per year (attendance fee) – From 120 to 160 euros per year (regional fee for access to higher education)

Thanks to regional funding, and with a proven attendance of at least 80% of class hours, women are entitled to a voucher that reimburses the 400-euro attendance fee. Thereby, their participation is free.

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