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Biomedical Equipment Technician

Advanced technician for operation and maintenance of biomedical, imaging and biotechnology equipment (TAB)

The Senior Technician enhances and supports good clinical practice, has skills in the electronic and electromechanical fields, and is able to install and periodically calibrate biomedical, diagnostic imaging, and analytical laboratory equipment; provides for their testing, both preventive and corrective maintenance, and electrical safety checks.

The training, in line with "Industry 4.0" strategies, includes the acquisition of skills for 3D modeling and 3D printing in the biomedical sector, delves into the acquisition and transmission of biomedical signals, as well as the digitization of information for maintenance and failure prediction of biomedical equipment on IoHT and IoT platforms.

In line with the constant technological evolution of the New Life Technologies sector, the Advanced Technician finds its optimal placement within clinical engineering services and in public and private health care facilities, both national and international, and/or at local or multinational companies active in the production and maintenance of biomedical equipment.

To whom it is addressed

Up to 25 young and adult applicants, employed or unemployed, with a five-year high school diploma


The course has a two-year duration. Up to 2,000 hours of training activities are planned, including internships


Up to 750 hours of internship, which is also possible abroad, at companies in the ITS A.Volta network

The method

Teaching is highly practical and laboratory-based, involving alternating exercises, theoretical lectures, company internships and project work

Targeted, high-level technical courses, with the possibility of practicing the most delicate procedures directly in laboratories built to faithfully reproduce hospital environments: we consider ITS TAB to be an excellent training pathway for fostering professional insertion in the biomedical industry

Massimo Giuliani
Technical Manager Clinical Engineering Service Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria "Ospedali Riuniti di Trieste" and President A.N.T.A.B.

Start date

October 2025


The registration fee for the course is 400.00 euros per year, to which must be added the regional fee for the right to study

Pre-registration Deadline

August 2025

Female participation

Are you a girl and would like to undertake one of our pathways? The ITS world is waiting for you and offers the courses for free thanks to vouchers provided by the region.

Discover more

What made me choose ITS A. Volta? The hands-on approach to the subjects taught, the teachers coming from the working world, and the close cooperation with the companies participating in the Foundation. Plus... practicing directly in the field in a faithfully reconstructed hospital environment and realistically simulating surgeries is really exciting!

Linda Massouop
two-year TAB 2015-2017

Study plan

Equal Opportunities

Linguistic, communicative, relational field
- technical English
- communication

Scope of science and technology
- elements of human biology
- elements of mathematics and physics
- computing
- networking fundamentals
- chemistry

Legal and economic scope
- Basic economy and business creation for industry 4.0
- legal principles and professional responsibility

Organizational and management scope
- project management, organization for industry 4.0 and design thinking

Organization, management, planning and quality control
- reference legislation: quality management - international standards
- safety and accident prevention in the workplace
- Industrial property valorization and open innovation process for technological development
- first aid + BLSD (Basic Life Support and Defibrillation)

Health services management
- health care organization
- organization of a clinical engineering service
- medical device management

Fundamentals of electronics and electrical engineering for electromedical equipment

Biomedical instrumentation management

Standards and procedures in the manufacture, maintenance, and use of electromedical equipment

Elements of Bioinformatics

Management of diagnostic imaging and analytical laboratory equipment

Biomaterials and fundamentals of 3D modeling and printing

The route

From the placement test to the discussion of the project work, find out how the course is structured


There is an incoming selection to substantiate the level of technical knowledge needed to cope with the course, English and computer skills (a written test and an interview)

Training course

Classroom teaching, workshops, farm visits. More than 50% of teachers come from the working world and have specific experience of at least 5 years


At major industry entities in Italy or abroad. Each student is supervised by a business mentor

Final Examination

It consists of a theoretical-practical test, a written test, and an oral test, in which the project work developed during the internship is displayed

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The notice provides for payment of the course fee in two installments of 200.00 euros: the first at the time of finalizing enrollment, together with the regional fee for the right to study (which is defined annually), and the second by March 15 of each educational year

Attendance is mandatory for 80 percent of the course duration in order to be eligible for the final exam

Up to 8 hours of instruction per day for 5 days a week are provided

* In cooperation with the City of Trieste, the ITS A. Volta Foundation may offer the opportunity for some subsidized housing. However, the number is limited and they will be assigned based on ISEE and geographical distance of origin.

* The Welcome Office* - a one-stop reception office for students and researchers - offers personalized support on the main issues related to mobility (finding housing, information on transportation and the city in general, useful addresses, etc.). More information is available at: To request assistance, you can write to:, indicating that you are a student of ITS A. Volta Foundation.

*The FVG Welcome Office is an initiative supported by the Autonomous Region of Friuli Venezia Giulia and managed by AREA Science Park as part of the Coordination of Research Institutions.
* The Residence RTMLiving Trieste, a brand-new facility opened in November 2015, offers students single and double apartments with fine finishes, a gymnasium, cinema room, library, laundry room, and numerous other services and socialization areas, in an environment dedicated to young people.For information call 040 2471923 or email, indicating that you are a student of ITS A. Volta Foundation.
NB Accommodation can also be requested for short periods (e.g., during course selections) and one or two family members can also be accommodated in the apartment.

* The Opera Figli del Popolo of Trieste. offers students through the "AUXILIUM University Family "accommodations in two- or three-bed rooms (some with en-suite facilities) and gives the availability of common rooms reserved for study and recreation, a computer room, gymnasium, playground, recreation room, kitchen and other services and socialization areas.
For more detailed news, regulations and application, you can call 040 302244 (Mon/Fri 9 a.m.-12 p.m.) or email, indicating that you are a student of ITS A. Volta Foundation. The facility closes in August.
NB For short periods (e.g. course selections or parental visits to students) it is possible to request a room in their accommodation complex "Semente Nova". For information: tel 040 302612, email:

* ITS A. Volta Foundation, at AREA Science Park's Basovizza campus, where the innovative LAB3 - LABoratory for Advanced Technology in Healthcare REpair Training and Education (the first laboratory in Europe dedicated to the training of biomedical equipment technicians) is available to students

* State Technical Institute A. Volta of Trieste

* University of Trieste